No Class Today / Compilation Update

Good news: we had a great time in Atlanta last weekend.
Bad news: something did a number o­n my laptop, and it's taken me a few days to catch up.

Therefore, I'm reluctantly rescheduling today's “Host Your Own Concerts” teleclass to June 19th at Noon — I will e-mail all the details very soon.

In happier news, we are close to announcing the final list for EMBARCADERO. We just have a few final legal arrangements to make before making everything official. I *can* tell you that we've picked a title for our August CD. We're calling it BLOOM, with a chill-out/techno theme. We're going to contact a number of you who sent in submissions about getting your songs o­n BLOOM, so if you have not heard from us yet, hang tight!

Finally, we really do want to hear your opinion about our teleclass programming. I'd love to know what you think before we announce our June lineup. Please click this link to take our sixty second survey.
