Music Business Mastermind

In case you missed the announcement in our newsletter, our latest project, Music Business Mastermind, is now online!

Here’s the idea: In an even more high-powered version of my old Strategy Seminar, we lock eight musicians in a room for four hours. When they emerge, they’ve developed a solid strategy for working together as what we call a “Mastermind Group,” a team that’s dedicated to working together to assure mutual success. The kind of thing Napoleon Hill writes about, but few musicians seem to organize in a formal way. My role is both facilitator and mentor — keeping the group together and providing little shortcuts and answers along the way.

Although the process starts in person, it spreads out using online and phone tools over the following six months, so the real value is in seeing seeds blossom and folks actually getting to put their new network to use in the real world instead of a sterile “classroom” setting.

You’ll see me crosspost between here and the Music Business Mastermind weblog over the next few weeks, especially as we get closer to our official Group Launches beginning in December. The first group, which launched in Nashville during 2NMC is already out of the gates and working together on issues like film and television placement, getting more folks to shows, and other pressing issues. I can’t wait to report to you what they will have accomplished by the spring.

If you’re ready to step up and join a solid, but tight-knit group of musicians ready for success, our next group launches in Athens, Georgia in December. Sign up before all the slots disappear!

One response

  1. Hi,

    It’s great to hear that you guys have started masterminding.

    To put it simply, Masterminding is an effective and practical process to provide solutions to challenges, problems, and goal-achieving through other powerful tools such as creative brainstorming, networking and accountability structures.

    Masterminding brings limitless possibilities to the person being masterminded. You get ideas, solutions and contacts you could never come up if you were working on it alone.

    I hope this website will give you more details on Mastermind Group concept since you guys have began masterminding.

    Achieve More For Less!

    The KEY is to Work SMART!

    Mastermind Hub is the leading movement devoted to empowering ordinary people like you and me with the Mastermind group strategy to achieve big dreams.