12 Tips for Pitching Your Act to Investors & Sponsors

Music Connection Magazine, Vol. XXVIII, No 19 had a great article, "How to Pitch Your Act to Investors and Sponsors." Investors & sponsors do not want to receive unsolicited requests asking for money when you have no definite plan or proposal.  Anyone can panhandle.  They want to know, right from the get-go, what you can offer them and how you plan on using their help.

1. List your assets. The stronger the numbers, the more likely a potential investor will be interested.

2. List your track record. What have you done so far?

3.  Define your goals. You have to know where you’re going and how you plan on getting there.

4. Identify your audience. Try to match the investor to your target audience.

5. Identify your market. Is your market local, regional, or national?

6. Define & itemize expenses. Show how the money will be spent.

7. Acknowledge the risks. Make it clear that investors may not see a quick return.

8. Estimate return time. Let the investors know when they might see a return on their investment.

9. Design a promotional plan. List every possible promotional option and research the costs & benefits of each.

10. Express a good work ethic. Explain what you will do to make the project a success.

11. Explore cross-promotional opportunities. Be open to receive various forms of support (merchandise or ad time).

12. Offer extras. Make your investor feel like part of your team.  Keep them informed and involved with the project.
