spinme.com updated Terms of Service

In order to combat "comment spam" and other issues, we have amended our website’s terms of service.

Users of spinme.com, which includes posts to our weblog as well as participation in live conference call events, are subject to the standard TCM Network Terms of Service as well as the following two amendments:

Amendment A: Comments posted to our weblog should further the discussion. As a courtesy, posters are free to include a link to their own personal or commercial website. The editors reserve the right to delete any comments for any reason at any time, and to block individuals from posting additional comments for any reason at any time. Should an individual or company circumvent security measures to post more than one comment which consitutes harrassment of our staff, clients, users or colleagues, a "Removal Fee" of $1,000 per post will be invoiced to said company, to be processed immediately by a professional collections agency.

Amendment B: Conference call faciliators retain the right to remove any participant from a live conference call for any reason at any time. Should an individual or company interfere with the execution or recording of a live conference call in any way (for instance, refusing to leave the call, playing music on the call, etc.), a "Call Rescheduling Fee" of $1,000 per incident will be invoiced to said company, to be processed immediately by a professional collections agency.

[Sorry to sound so harsh. Sometimes, you just have to lay down the law.]