No More Excuses: Try Mentoring for $1

David’s been on me about this for a while, and so have other folks. But I wanted to get through our launch period with a small group of folks on board. Thanks to our charter members, we’ve shaken the bugs loose from our (still fairly new) member mentoring service.

Now, it’s your turn to join us. I have just added a four-day trial period to our system, so you can create an account and join us backstage for only a dollar. Once you’re in the members area, you can listen to our recorded classes, sign up for live events, ask me specific questions about your career, and network with the rest of our member community.

If you try it, and it’s not for you, no sweat. Cancel the account before the regular monthly fee kicks in, and I promise my feelings won’t get hurt. But if you’re really ready to make a difference in your music career, this weekend is where it starts.

Join the conversation, right now.

(Act now, since you never know when I might change my mind…)

One response

  1. Looking into your mentor program and the links didn’t go through. Do you have a related link you can email me?